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From Learning to Doing: A Summer Internship Recap

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The Bowden Summer Internship Experience

As we reach the end of summer, we reflect on the enriching experience we’ve had with our latest cohort of interns. Seventeen enthusiastic college students have spent the past months with us, diving into hands-on projects, eager to get their hands dirty and make stuff.

summer interns

We are grateful to these interns for investing their time, energy, and enthusiasm. We believe they have laid a strong foundation for their future in design and manufacturing. It’s truly fulfilling to witness their growth and progress. Sharing this new experience as a united group adds a special dimension, particularly for those new to shop work and second-shift hours – an opportunity they’ve embraced with zeal.

While summer sees the highest number of interns, our commitment to nurturing mechanical engineering talent is year-round. Our Manufacturing Next Gen Program remains dedicated to guiding young engineers through real-world manufacturing challenges. Armed with digital skills and unwavering enthusiasm, participants leave with enhanced confidence, earned through hard work and diverse manufacturing exposure.

If you know individuals seeking a hands-on internship, invite them to explore our website. Moreover, for those considering launching their internship program, we are here to help. Contact us to receive guidance on growing the next generation of manufacturing engineers.

Thanks again to our Summer Interns of 2023. Your hard work allowed you to learn a lot and you were an important part of our Bowden Team!

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